Configure Gmail to Send As your eXp Email - Referral Agents

Note: This will NOT change where you RECEIVE emails from your,, or email address.
To change the email account where you RECEIVE emails from your eXp address, please follow these instructions: How to change your eXp email forwarding address (US/CAN)

Below are the instructions to set up the ability to Send As your alias in Gmail.

Step 1
Login to your account.


Step 2
Click on the gear icon at the top right and then click on Settings in the drop-down.

Step 3
Click on Accounts and Import and then click on the Add another email address in the section labeled Send mail as:

Step 4
Your first and last name should be in the first box. Enter in your email address in the second box. Click Next Step.

Make sure the Treat as Alias box is checked.



Step 5
You will enter in into the SMTP Server box.

Make sure the "Username" field contains your full email address

The password will be the mail server password which is    R+wbMWt5:678uL

If you get an error during this step, please refer to our Common Errors section

A generic server name is auto filled in there, just click in that box and delete it.


Click Add Account

Common Errors:

1. Authentication failed. Please check your username/password

This will typically happen if one of the 3 fields in step 5 is incorrect. Please double-check that they are being entered as follows:

  • SMTP server:
    • Make sure there are no spaces before or after the server name
  • Username: Your full eXp email
    • Gmail will sometimes remove the "" on this screen. Make sure it is there and your eXp email is correct
  • Password: R+wbMWt5:678uL
    • This is not asking for your eXp passport password. Enter the password above and make sure there are no spaces before or after.


2. Functionality not enabled

If your Gmail address does not end in "", this setting will likely not be enabled for you yet. Please follow the instructions in the article below before trying to connect your eXp email again:

Send As with Owned GSuite - US/CA Only 

If you copy and paste the password from above please make sure you do not have any spaces before or after the password


Step 6
If you have successfully entered the above information you will receive an email from Gmail asking you to click on a link to verify along with a code. Follow the directions in that verification email.
Once all steps and the verification email are complete you can now Send As your eXp email by clicking on Compose and in the From: at the top there will now be a drop-down where you can toggle between your eXp email Alias and Gmail.