Email Forwarding for Mobile - US/CA Only

  • If you would like to send from your eXp alias on your mobile device then the steps below will help you make sure you are set up correctly.
  • First, you want to make sure that you have it set up on your computer at your settings to do so.
  • If Gmail is set up correctly then you need to download and install the Gmail app for ios or android. 
  • If you already have the Gmail app installed, please uninstall it and reinstall it.
  • After installation, it will automatically pull the settings and you will be able to send the emails as your eXp email. 

App Store or direct link:

Google Play Store or direct link:


If you have not set it up yet, then you should follow the instructions below that apply to you: 

Follow these instructions to Configure Gmail to Send as your eXp email - US/CA Only
Follow these instructions to Configure Gmail to Send as your eXp email - Commercial Agents
Follow these instructions to Configure Gmail to Send as your eXp email - Referral Agents