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  2. kvCORE
  3. kvCORE - Getting Started

Check List - Top 10 things you need to do first

This article covers the top 10 actions you should be taking the moment you receive your kvCORE log in email (Welcome to kvCORE)

1. Verify you can successfully sign into kvCORE

  • Your login information will be inside of the "Welcome to kvCORE" email
    • kvCORE does not use passport/okta

If you have received your "Welcome to kvCORE" email and can not sign in, please email support@exprealty.com for assistance


2. Verify your website subdomain

All agent kvCORE accounts are created with a subdomain.

  • Subdomain formatting will start with  htttps://
  • Most subdomains are  First Legal Name  Last Legal Name.exprealty.com  (johnsmith.exprealty.com)

Exceptions would be the firstlegalnamelastlegalname.exprealty.com is in use by another agent's account. 

In those cases you may have a middle initial or state abbreviation in your subdomain


Two way to verify your subdomain:

  1. Log into your kvCORE account and on the left hand side click on Web & IDX
    1. The right hand side of the screen that loads will display your subdomain
  2. Log into your kvCORE account and click on your email address at the top right
    1. The drop down menu will have your subdomain listed towards the top


Subdomain Change Requests:

You can request that your subdomain be updated to a preferred name


Current Subdomain  is  joesephsmith.exprealty.com

You would like it changed to joesmith.exprealty.com

or isellhomesdakota.exprealty.com

Agents connected to a CORE Team Add-On can have the domain portion (exprealty.com) changed to the domain being used by the CORE Team Add-On website

Please do not use this request for a vanity domain. 

A vanity domain is a domain you own through a registrar like GoDaddy or Namecheap.

Please see this article *CLICK HERE* for more information


Things to do BEFORE submitting the request:

  1. Have a conversation with your eXp State Broker. Make sure they are amicable to the change.
    1. Once you submit your request it is dependent on their sign off.
      1. They will receive an email which they will either reply Approved or Denied.

How to request a change:

Email support@exprealty.com 

Team Admins - If the agents connected to your CORE Team Add-on need  updated to the team domain in their subdomain please have each of your affected agents email support individually.

We must have the affected agent's consent.


3. Verify that your subdomain is functional

Please follow the instructions above on how to locate your subdomain

Navigate to your correct subdomain and validate it loads correctly (does not display an error)

If it does not load properly (displays an error) please reach out to support@exprealty.com


4. Verify that your site has the correct MLS attached

Look at your website, scroll down to the footer of your site. Look at the disclaimer. Do a search on your site.

If the MLS disclaimer and the listings are on your kvCORE site are incorrect please reach out to support@exprealty.com


5. Have all compliance pieces ready and get them added

Some states require that there be additional agent specific compliance added to the agent site.
Please see this article **CLICK HERE** to learn more

If you have questions or concerns please work directly with your eXp State Broker Team to understand what your responsibilities may be as an agent displaying IDX/MLS information on a website.


6. Complete the "Agent Quick Start" in kvCORE

The Agent Quick Start plan is located on your dashboard 
kvCORE has a lot of built in training guides but we recommend that you go through this one first as this will guide you through some of the basics of the system.

7. Update your kvCORE Agent Profile

Updating your kvCORE profile with who you are as an agent is very important.
You can enter in Social Media links, create a signature, craft your bio which displays on your site and upload a photo.

CLICK HERE!! To see everything you can do in your kvCORE Profile


8. Have your contacts ready for import (if applicable)

If you have existing contacts you wish to have added to kvCORE then have those ready to import
Inside Real Estate (kvCORE) has a free service, that our agents can utilize, to help import their contacts into kvCORE

9. Schedule time every week to learn about kvCORE

There is a lot going on in this very powerful tool however there is also resources everywhere to learn about it.
Schedule time every day to log in and take a look around
Schedule a little time every single week to learn something new or master an area in kvCORE

There are hundreds of hours available every month to learn about kvCORE. Online webinars, live classes in eXp World, You tube, and kvCORE learning modules.

You can also find all of the available courses inside of your kvCORE account here kvCORE Training Modules (CLICK HERE!!)


10. Explore the different lead generation programs available

New to Real Estate or need a jump start with some new leads? Then start with the different lead generation programs available only to eXp Realty Agents

CLICK HERE!! To learn more about Making it Rain and Express Offers


Explore your kvCORE account's Marketplace. Many different options available for lead generation

CLICK HERE!! To learn more about the kvCORE Marketplace