Revenue Share General Q&A

Where can I view my Downline, Payments, and overall Rev Share Group? How Does Revenue Share Calculate? Is Revenue Share reported as Commission? Do you have to sign-up? Do I have to be Vested to continue to receive Revenue Share benefits?

Viewing Downline, Payments, and the Overall Rev Share Group is available 24/7 in the MyeXp 2.0 Dashboard.  Click to get started.  Log-In using the eXp email address and password.  Select Revenue Share from the Menu to see more details.
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Revenue share is calculated
when a Revenue Share generating transaction is settled within our  Enterprise system, which generates company dollar. Once company dollar is generated, eXp takes a portion of the AGCI and pays it back to the sponsoring agent.  

Revenue share is considered to be Commission and will be part of your 1099-NEC Income. You can find the details of your previous years income in the MyeXp 2.0 app in your Okta account. Click  to log in using your eXp email address and password and select Year End.

Agents do not have to sign-up, as an eXp Agent encourages fellow active and productive agents to join the ranks of eXp and the eXp Agent is named as the sponsor of those new agents, the eXp Agent will begin earning the standard Tier 1, 3.5% of AGCI, revenue share amount on the Qualifying Sale Transactions of the Agent’s Tier 1 group of eXp Agents. For more details about this Incentive Program please review the Policies and Procedures - Page 36.
Click here to view the Rev Share Chart


Vested Agents in the Revenue Share Plan may continue to receive benefits payable thereunder after Agent terminates his or her ICA or discontinues actively engaging in licensed real estate activities.