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  2. kvCORE
  3. kvCORE - Getting Started

Dashboard Basics

Your kvCORE Dashboard is the one of the most important places to become familiar with. It is the hub of your business in your CRM.

When you first log into kvCORE it loads into the Dashboard
This area is where you can take a quick look at the following:
  1. what is happening with your contacts/leads
  2. what tasks you have to complete for the day
  3. quick links to the kvCORE Training portals
  4. quick links to Playbooks
The Dashboard is one area of kvCORE you should become the most comfortable in and understand how to utilize it to the fullest.
There is a wealth of information here and it is good to understand why utilizing this particular part of kvCORE is so important.
To learn all about the information and how to use this area you can learn more here: