How To Join A Remote Screenshare Session (Mac)

If you have requested remote support assistance, the following steps should help you get started:

1. Your technician will send you a link to connect.  When you click the link, the following screen will appear. The screenshare program should automatically download after you click Allow, but you can click Try again if it does not.
2. Click on the Downloads icon at the top, then click on Support - LogMeInRescue to launch the program.
3. A warning will ask your permission to run LogMeIn Rescue.  Click the Open button to proceed.
4. A Chat Box will appear indicating the technician is connecting. Click Ok to provide permission.
5. You will be asked to provide your technician Permissions to specific functions. Click the Open buttons to open each function's Privacy settings.
You may need to unlock the settings by clicking the lock icon in the lower left corner. Check the box next to Support-LogMeInRescue to provide permission. 

You will know this is complete when the original Permissions window disappears.

You will be notified in the Chat Box when the technician has connected.
Please note: The session will disconnect if you close the Chat Box at any point. Once the session ends, the program will automatically delete from your device.