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  3. CORE Team Add-on Basics - Team Admins

Team Admins - Lead Assignment vs Transferring Leads

What are team owned leads, what is the purpose and instructions on how to assign leads to an agents connected to the CORE Team Add-On.

General Overview

As the admin or team leader of a kvCORE team addon you have the ability to manage any leads that are owned by the team.
 Your kvCORE account does need to have the administrative role assigned for the kvCORE team addon to have access to manage team owned leads. 
Agent user accounts do need to be connected to the CORE Team Addon for assignment and visibility of any Team Owned Leads

Lead Ownership and how kvCORE assigns this ownership:

kvCORE assigns ownership of the lead based on how and where the lead was added to the system.
Lead visits an office site and registers. The kvCORE system assigns ownership of the lead at the Company level and follows the office lead routing rule to assign the lead to a random agent user connected to that office.
Lead visits an agent site and registers. The kvCORE system assigns ownership and assigment of the lead to the agent user account.
Lead visits the CORE Team Add-On site and registers. The system assigns ownership to the Team and follows the team lead routing rules (if there are any) to assign the lead to an agent user who is also connected to the team.


Team Owned Leads:

Team owned leads are leads that where collected and added to kvCORE via the team's CORE Team Add-On website, API, Import, Landing Pages, Squeeze Pages, or any lead gen done at the team level.

These leads will display the CORE Team Add-On name in the "Owned By" Column in your Smart CRM.

Team owned leads are the only leads that can be reassigned, removed or added to a Pond by an agent who has Team Admin privileges assigned to their account for a CORE Team Add-on.

It is important to note that unless your agents have their settings in their profile set to Private and Hide from Team, then you may see their leads as well. As the team admin you can still communicate with these leads while that agent's account is connected to your kvCORE team addon. 

What you will not be able to do is reassign or transfer ownership of the lead if they are owned by the agent (you will see their name under Owned By) and the agent wants their kvCORE account removed from your kvCORE team addon. Those leads will stay with the agent.


Lead Assigment vs Transferring ownership:

As a team admin understanding the difference is very important.

Lead Assignment:

This keeps ownership of the lead to the team. You can assign a lead to an agent connected to your kvCORE team addon. This still allows you, as the the team admin, to manage this lead but now makes the lead visible to the agent (in their CRM) you shared the lead with.
If a member of your team decides to no longer have their kvCORE account connected to your team addon, any shared leads can be reassigned to other members connected to the team.
 You can set up lead routing rules to auto assign team owned leads to any agent connected to the CORE Team Addon or you can manually update the assignment per lead or en masse 

Lead Transfer:

If you choose to Transfer a contact to an agent this transfer ownership of the lead from the team to the agent.

When you transfer ownership of a lead to someone else, that person now owns that lead and has control over who works it and what happens with it. 

You may also lose the ability to view the lead if the agent has their settings set to private and hide from team.
It also means that if you transfer a lead to an agent on your team and they decide to leave the team the lead stays with them. eXp and IRE have no way of reversing this.

Is it not recommended that you "transfer" ownership of a lead unless you genuinely don't want to work that lead anymore or you have a specific agreement with the agent about what leads they will own vs the team.


What do I do if I accidentally transferred a lead instead of sharing?

Work with the agent you transferred the lead to, only they can transfer these back. 
eXp and IRE have no way of reversing this.

It is important to note the eXp Tech Support Team does not get involved in any Team or lead ownership disputes.