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Vanity Domains

Some agents may own their own domain through a registrar For agents that do own their own domain and wish to use it with kvCORE, they have 2 options


1. Domain Forwarding (301 Redirect)

Most registrars have simple tools built into their site where you can forward traffic from your domain to any website.
Domain forwarding does not replace your kvCORE Subdomain. It just directs traffic from your domain to your kvCORE subdomain
Ex:  You own a domain called  IsellRealEstate.com  and want any consumer that goes there to be sent to your kvCORE site johnsmith.exprealty.com.
When you set up domain forwarding in your registrars dashboard for IsellRealEstate.com to forward traffic to johnsmith.exprealty.com it will then take anyone that enters in IsellRealEstate.com to johnsmith.exprealty.com.
The URL in the browser's search bar will change from IsellRealEstate.com to johnsmith.exprealty.com.
Do not set up Forwarding with Masking.
This will show your site as not secured and also cause issues with functionality.
Domain forwarding with Masking is an option in some registrars and will break your kvCORE site.
Forwarding with Masking keeps the domain the same in the URL. It is masking the change from your domain to your kvCORE subdomain.

 2. Vanity Domain purchase

This is a paid add-on available in the kvCORE Marketplace. This option will replace your kvCORE subdomain with a domain that you already own.
Once purchased there is an approval process.
You will need to sign paperwork and then wait for the MLS to approve before Inside Real Estate can make the switch.
Once approved, their staff will work with you to update your  Registrar with the proper name server information.
eXp Staff can not assist with this purchase in any capacity.
Broker signatures on paperwork is the only step where eXp is involved, if your request is waiting on Broker signatures then please reach out to your Broker.
As a reminder, please put correct broker info in your form when making your purchase. It should be your eXp Realty State Broker and please use  the appropriate State Broker email. 
Please work directly with kvCORE if you make this purchase for any and all issues.